Subliminal persuasion
Subliminal persuasion

Unlike Experiments 1a and 1b, which manipulated the incentives associated with specific categories, Experiment 2 assessed motivation by implicitly varying motivation levels between participants in two different ways: by (1) priming concepts related to achievement and by (2) giving slightly more attractive feedback for correct choices. However, no effect of motivation was found.Įxperiment 2 tested whether achievement motivation can enhance the effect of subliminal cues on choice. The results of these experiments showed that subliminal cues indeed improved participants’ choices, thus establishing the basic effect of subliminally-presented word cues on intuitive choice. In order to examine this effect of motivation, the value of half of the categories was increased by assigning higher monetary rewards to accurate performance. They also tested one possible path of motivational influence: whether motivation can make some nodes in the mental lexicon more susceptible to subliminal stimulation. The influence of motivation and intention on use of subliminal cues in intuitive choice was tested in six experiments conducted within the framework of the CBC paradigm.Įxperiments 1a and 1b examined whether subliminal semantic cues can be used in intuitive choice. chance level) while the most conservative awareness tests are used. The accuracy of these choices can then be compared to an objective standard (i.e. The CBC paradigm is distinguished from its predecessors in that it can measure the effect of semantic information on intuitive choices.

#Subliminal persuasion trial#

The awareness of the prime is assessed in each trial both by subjective and objective tests. Since no other information predicting the winning category is provided, a better-than-chance rate of choosing the cued category indicates that the prime affects choice. In the other trials, the prime is a non-word control assigned to the winning category. In half of the trials, this prime is a verbal cue – an exemplar from the winning category (e.g., category: fruits and cue: apple). Prior to choosing, participants are exposed to a subliminal prime. The winning category is randomly determined in each trial, and if participants choose it they are rewarded.

subliminal persuasion

In each trial of the CBC task, participants are asked to choose one of four category-labeled cards.

subliminal persuasion

In particular, I asked whether achievement motivation can enhance the use of subliminal information on choice.Ī novel Category-Based Choice (CBC) paradigm was developed to examine this question.

subliminal persuasion

In this work, I focused on the little-researched area of direct subliminal influence on choice. Researchers of subliminal stimulation ask the following fundamental questions: What kind of subliminal information can be processed? How deeply can it be processed? To what extent can it influence behavior? What are the determinants of its influence? So far, research has focused mainly on the first two questions, while relatively few studies have been conducted on the latter. Subliminal stimulation is considered a touchstone in studies on unconscious processes as it allows for the most rigorous control of awareness (Holender, 1986). A big challenge in studying this influence experimentally is establishing that one is not aware of the knowledge. Thus, research must find alternative routes to assess the influence of unconscious information on subsequent mental products. Although unconscious knowledge probably plays an important role in our choices, it cannot be measured directly by introspection.

subliminal persuasion

Most of our intuitive decisions are based on knowledge of which we are not completely aware (Kahneman & Klein, 2009).

Subliminal persuasion